For over a decade Miguel Lebron has been preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He has preached in English and Spanish. Miguel has done so in front of large groups, in front of small groups, indoors, outdoors and everywhere in between.


In 2011, together with his wife Mairy Lebron, they founded TQP Ministries. In 2017, in hopes to answer some of the most frequently asked question, he began a series titled as such.


In this series, Miguel Lebron answers questions  such as - do you ever get nervous before preaching? How do you come up with a message? How long should one take to prepare a message? among many more!


Miguel Lebron, es el co-fundador del Ministerio Evangelístico Todavía Queda Poder. Las grabaciones que escucharás son pensamientos y mensajes presentado por Miguel desde la ciudad de Rochester Nueva York y aún otros lugares.